The Employee Exodus and Importance of Subordinate-Manager Relationships

Posted by: Tonika Comments: 0 2 Post Date: January 23, 2021

Organizational success and sustainability directly relate to an organization’s ability to effectively manage human capital relationships. Specifically, the subordinate-manager relationship can directly impact the work environment, productivity, performance, culture, and profitability of an organization. Inadequate management of subordinates causes increases in employee exits.

A 2018 Gallup poll concluded that 65% of employees that left their current employer, cited their manager as the causative agent. This statistic necessitates a commitment of organizations to cultivate subordinate-manager relationships and integrate them into their daily operations.

Managers can influence subordinate-manger relationships by:

  • Providing opportunities for relationship-building
  • Valuing differing opinions and perspectives
  • Creating environments of trust and transparency
  • Being mindful and present in the moment
  • Practicing self-reflection
  • Assessing and strengthening personal management skills
  • Utilizing relationship-building language

The success of subordinate-manager relationships is heavily influenced by the commitment of organizational managers. A call to action for mangers to lead the way in building and sustaining positive subordinate-manager relationships is essential. Through proactively engaging in self-influenced activities, managers can create positive subordinate-manager relationships and shift the paradigm on employee exits.

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