Author - Tonika

Experience, Hiring for Potential and Traditions

Difficulty recruiting for vacant positions has statistically been on the rise in recent years, requiring employers to revisit their recruitment strategies to achieve hiring goals. In a recent Forbes [...]

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Time to hire your first employee?

According to the Small Business Administration, 86% of small businesses are run by the owner only. Most small business owners prefer to do it all by themselves; however, [...]

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The Employee Exodus and Importance of Subordinate-Manager Relationships

Organizational success and sustainability directly relate to an organization’s ability to effectively manage human capital relationships. Specifically, the subordinate-manager relationship can directly impact the work environment, productivity, performance, [...]

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Payroll Tax “Holiday” or Not?

In August of 2020, President Trump signed a presidential memorandum referred to as Notice 2020-65, or the payroll tax “holiday,” that allows employers the option to defer the [...]

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A Global Pandemic

A global pandemic, like nothing we have ever seen before, hit the United States  changing societal norms.  Covid-19 reshaped business strategy and left a path of destruction that [...]

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